Well on Boxing Day, Nige took our Charlie to the Kennels at 10am...then when he got home we put everything in the car that we need to take to Louise's house...oh yeah we told KT that we were going to a party at my Aunties house then coming home early 10pm ish so we could get up early on the saturday and go straight to Bognor.....Well we made sure we had everything in the car ready and set off, both girls in the back listening to there MP3s ...and KT totally oblivious to what was happening, (Danni knew what was going on) well after about 2 hours driving KT decided to ask how much longer it was gonna be I just kept fobbing her off with "Not long now hun" lol.....Well when we pulled up outside Lou's house KT screams and started sobbing, the little darling had no idea.
We had a few days out, the New Forest, Pompey also we were invited to spend the day with George & Sue (Lou's mom & dad) the home made steak pie was devine...thank you x
All off for a stroll in the New Forest

Emily, Ady And Katie enjoying Portsmouth even though it was bloody freezing lol

Oh you pair is nawty lol................Lou n Ady getting fruity on the sofa

My nawty hubby trying to get his leg over (Lou still in her dressing gown at 1pm on the afternoon we left lol)

me and my gorgeous friend
We all just wanted to say thank you so much for an absolutely fantastic week I truely don't remember drinking, eating and laughing so much ....You truely are very special friends, friends for life. We are all counting down the time till we come back in March love you all so so very much hugs for you all xxxxx