We decided to go to Wales on Saturday to go and see an absolutely gorgeous waterfall at .......sorry Nige not here and I can't remember .....
Well the weather was fab but windy....the girls myself and Charlie decided not to climb upto the front of the waterfall as it was quite steep and the rocks were covered in slimey moss, and Charlie ain't to good on things like that.....
Well I was stood talking to Danni and there was a splash...lol yes Nige had tried to cross the bottom of the waterfall and fell in...no sorry I didn't have a camera he had it, but Oh I did laugh and so did the girlies. Nige just wen
t bright red lol....if you look at the pic of the waterfall right at the bottom where the rocks start on the left..that is where my hubby went for a paddle lololol feel free to laugh, because we did....lots
Here is a pic of his poorly leg which he scraped down one of the rocks...he is feeling sooooooooooo damn sorry for himself
TAKE CARE Shell xx
Ahh, poor Nige, if I remember right he was a bit of a numpty getting the tree out at Christmas, now he falls down a waterfall, well everything comes in threes so watch out...
Chris x
Oh Nigey...... what are you like? I would offer to kiss it better for you but you is looking a bit hairy!!! Eeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwww!!!!
I am just gutted she didn't have the camera and get a piccy of you all wet and dishevelled!!! PMSL!!!
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