27 March 2009

Wow I got an uber award!!!!!

Well today my blog buddy Angel http://angel-angelsdelights.blogspot.com/ (whos blog is fab) gave me this award....Thank you so much hunny xxx

Right now for the difficult part...
This award must be given to blogs that...

inspire you...
make you smile and laugh...
maybe gives you information...
a good read....
amazing ideas...
and anything else that makes you think they are Uber amazing blogs....
You have to post the award and nominate 5 blogs that fit the criteria...
well errrrrrrrrrrrrrmmmm....ok here goes...lol

Louise my bestest bud xxx http://the-lou-natic-asylum.blogspot.com/

Angel who sent me this award, but manages to run two blogs so I will send it to your parchment blog hun xxx http://mylittleworldofparchmentcraft.blogspot.com/

Jooles blog has some absolute fab ideas http://joolsedesigns.blogspot.com/

Anny's blog is always full of fab cards and never fail too inspire me http://craftyannyskoolkardz.blogspot.com/

Maureen's blog has some beautiful cards and she is also a lovely person http://maureen-palmer.blogspot.com/

Hope you enjoy your awards ladies you deserve them



  1. Ta muchly Shell
    Anne x

  2. Thank you sweetie..
    My first award for me knew blog..
    OH by the way any ideas for the parchment blog, or you want to upload, just shout, be more than happy to upload, or idea's...
    ok chick...
    If there were a few more people interested i was thinking of doing a monthly parchment ATC swap, need few more pee pods first though..
    Take Care hun...
    Hugs Angel


Thank you for stopping by & visiting my small part of the WWW, I really appreciate your comments & will try my best to return the kind gesture!
Hugs Shell xx