21 October 2011

My Little Katie Kat!

Most of you know I went away last weekend on a crafty break & had the most wonderful time, even tho I only made 3 cards in 3 days lolol....the only down side was I missed my girlies & Nige lots!
Well last night Katie was sitting with me while I was making a few DT cards for next week & she decided to have a rumage in my goodie bag from my weekend & I totally forgot there was a few bookmark thingies to make. So me & my little Katie Kat sat for over an hour playing with lots of different beads & finally we came up with these!
Mine is the angel one & the pink one is Katies....I will be making more, I think they are ideal presents for the girls to give to their friends for Christmas!

this one was in the bag all ready to go I just had to fix it all together! So sweet!
Katie spent ages choosing which beads to put on hers!

This little conker man is what she made me whilst I was away, such a cutie!
Any ideas how I can stop it shrivelling up??!!

Thanks for stopping by
cuddles KATIE KAT xx


  1. These are gorgeous she is very creative xxx I agree great presents and so individual xxx Hugs Pascale

  2. What fun bookmarks. I'll have to try some of these for my kids to give to their friends. TFS.

  3. The bookmarks are lovely and I agree they will make excellent presents for the girls friends

    Hugs Jackie x

  4. Awww how gorgeous these are, love both bookmarks, both so beautiful.. yes definitely a great idea for presents xxx

  5. Fab bookmarks and I love the conker man, too!
    Nikki x

  6. Just so gorgeous Shell...I must give them ago myself...!

    have a super weekend....big hugs Vicky xx

  7. oh gosh hun these are brilliant gosh,how clever,love the bookmark and the conker man,make super presants too hun,hugs cherylxx

  8. these are beautiful shell and i love the conker man :D

    xx coops xx

  9. Wow what beautiful creations from you both. Really sweet. No advice about your conkers I'm afraid.Take care.Love Debbie x

  10. Just loving your bookmarks, so nice that you could enjoy doing this craft together :grin:

    love the conker man too, what a clever idea

    Hugs, sarah x


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Hugs Shell xx